초록 열기/닫기 버튼

During the 1980s, Buddhist individuals and groups worldwide joined together to resuscitate the long-extinct bhikkhunī ordination. Sri Lanka’s re-establishment of the bhikkhunī ordination lineage dates back to 1988 when an ordination ceremony was held in California at the Hsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights. A key milestone in recent history was the Sarnath, India higher ordination in 1996, which was sponsored by Korean sangha. Following the completion of higher ordination in India in February 1998, local ordination commenced in late 1998. Since then, it has organised a number of higher ordination events globally and locally in which Sri Lankan bhikkhunī candidates participated. Thus, there are currently more than several thousand bhikkhunīs, divided into three primary groups of bhikkhunīs: Dambulla, Naugala, and Dekanduwala in Sri Lanka. In the Theravada bhikkhunī ordination platforms across the world, senior bhikkhunīs who are members of these groups are recognised as higher ordination experts. According to the above observation, most of Sri Lanka’s bhikkhunīs are affiliated with one of the several types of bhikkhunī groups. Previously, the bhikkhunī groups known as Dambulla, Naugala, and Dekandu-wala were considered to be distinct fractions/fraternities themselves. In this article, I will provide details about how these once fragmented bhikkhunī groups started cooperating and the present development. 1980년대 전 세계의 불교도들과 단체들은 오랫동안 소멸했던 비구니 계맥을 되살리기 위해 단결했다. 스리랑카 비구니 계맥 재건 운동은 1988년 캘리포니아 하시엔다 하이츠의 서래사에서 거행된 비구니 수계식으로 거슬러 올라간다. 한국 불교계에서 후원한 1996년 인도 사르나트 비구니 구족계 수계식은 현대 역사에서 중요한 이정표가 되었다. 1998년 2월의 인도 보드가야에서의 구족계 수계식 이후 1998년 후반 각 지역에서 수계식이 열리기 시작했다. 그 후, 국제적으로, 또 지역적으로 수많은 수계식이 조직되어 스리랑카 비구니 후보자들이 대거 참여했다. 그 결과 현재 스리랑카에는 수천 명이 넘는 비구니가 있으며, 이들은 담불라(Dambulla), 나우갈라(Naugala), 데칸두왈라(Dekan-duwala)의 세 주요 비구니 그룹으로 나누어진다. 이 그룹들의 구성원인 원로 비구니들은 전 세계의 상좌부 비구니 계단에서 구족계 명사로 대우받는다. 본 논문에서 살펴본 바에 따르면 대부분의 스리랑카 비구니는 여러 유형의 비구니 그룹 중 하나에 속해 있다. 담불라, 나우갈라, 데칸두왈라 비구니 그룹들은 이전에는 그 자체로 별개의 분파(문중)로 간주되었다. 이 글에서 필자는 이렇듯 한때 분열되었던 비구니 그룹이 협력하게 된 지점과 그 결과로서의 현재의 발전에 대해 자세히 알아볼 것이다.

During the 1980s, Buddhist individuals and groups worldwide joined together to resuscitate the long-extinct bhikkhunī ordination. Sri Lanka’s re-establishment of the bhikkhunī ordination lineage dates back to 1988 when an ordination ceremony was held in California at the Hsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights. A key milestone in recent history was the Sarnath, India higher ordination in 1996, which was sponsored by Korean sangha. Following the completion of higher ordination in India in February 1998, local ordination commenced in late 1998. Since then, it has organised a number of higher ordination events globally and locally in which Sri Lankan bhikkhunī candidates participated. Thus, there are currently more than several thousand bhikkhunīs, divided into three primary groups of bhikkhunīs: Dambulla, Naugala, and Dekanduwala in Sri Lanka. In the Theravada bhikkhunī ordination platforms across the world, senior bhikkhunīs who are members of these groups are recognised as higher ordination experts. According to the above observation, most of Sri Lanka’s bhikkhunīs are affiliated with one of the several types of bhikkhunī groups. Previously, the bhikkhunī groups known as Dambulla, Naugala, and Dekandu-wala were considered to be distinct fractions/fraternities themselves. In this article, I will provide details about how these once fragmented bhikkhunī groups started cooperating and the present development.